The Brief: What is it? Why is it Important? How Does it Benefit the Client?

The brief is quite simply a set of instructions for the photographer that outlines the scope of a particular job. These instructions have become a necessity lately due to the fact that fewer clients or decision-makers are attending photo shoots, and also with the flexibility of digital imaging, briefs help to narrow down the variables of a particular project. A good brief helps in many

The Brief: What is it? Why is it Important? How Does it Benefit the Client?2018-06-13T21:55:48-04:00

Creative Testing

Testing is an important part of a photographer’s creative development. It offers an opportunity to explore new ways of looking at something, or lighting it in a different way. It’s about finding out what works and what doesn’t.

Creative Testing2018-01-24T12:47:44-05:00

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